Vitavin Ittipanuvat: Startup Funding Climate: What is Next for Thailand’s Startup Ecosystem?

| 22 Jun 2022

The year of 2021 was a record-breaking year for venture capital (VC) funding globally. Southeast Asia was no exception, as the region minted a record 25 new unicorns in the year, according to DealStreetAsia.

While ASEAN countries are slowly adjusting to and recovering from the pandemic, 2022 has been a year of uncertainty, stemming from geopolitical tensions and macroeconomic instability, further compounded by the recent performances of large tech companies in both the private and public markets.

What is next for Thailand’s Startup Ecosystem? Our executive director Vitavin ITTIPANUVAT who’s based in Bangkok, Thailand, shares his insights and thoughts here, click to read more.

Edited by Elise Tan

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